Milwaukee: We’re here with you!

If you’re called, join us at any of the following gatherings.

Relationship: The second week of the month, we gather for discussion, dinner and communion to study, share, laugh, and pray grounded in scripture. At this time, dinner church serves as the backbone of the Kairos Collective. Living Faith, the fourth week of each month, is a gathering where local leaders share stories of how they live out their faith in their daily life. After each conversation, participants will divide into small groups to dig deeply into what they heard and discern how they can apply these learnings in their own lives. In doing this, we combine reflection, relationship and just action.

Just Action: A minimum of once each month, we engage with a local service non-profit. In addition, we are involved in local community organizing efforts. Weaved into these efforts is space for contemplation and relationship building — with each other and those we serve.  

Contemplation: The third week of the month, we gather for contemplative prayer. This time together is rich with reflection on the impact of the larger world on ourselves and our local community.